Step into your future with IELTS
Looking for the best way to prepare for IELTS? Victoria Road's IELTS preparation courses offer you comprehensive, tailor-made preparation for IELTS Academic or General Training.
Victoria Road's raison d'être is to prepare ambitious, bright, motivated students like you for this international exam, and to open every door to your future. Let's talk about how you can do it!
What's IELTS?
IELTS is the world's most widely accepted English language proficiency test. It is recognized by over 11,000 organizations, including leading universities, multinational corporations and immigration authorities.
IELTS is highly regarded throughout the world and gives you a fair and transparent assessment of the four key English skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking.
All IELTS scores range from 0 to 9, from non-user (1) to expert user (9). You receive a score for each skill.
It is recommended to have at least B1 level to obtain Band 5, level B2 to obtain Band 6.5, and level C1 to obtain Band 7.
Visit the official IELTS website for more general information about the exam.

Why choose IELTS Coaching with Victoria Road?
Prepare with a qualified and experienced IELTS Tutor, who has taught IELTS at internationally recognized language schools (IHWO) in Europe and achieved C2 level in IELTS Academic herself.
In Victoria Road's IELTS preparation courses, you will:
Learn, practise, and master the key IELTS strategies for Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading
Understand the structure of the exam and its main challenges
Receive consistent detailed feedback on your progress, which will help you improve consistently and build confidence in your skills
Practice B2/C1 vocabulary and grammar, which essential for IELTS
gain confidence in yourself and your English language skills, which will be crucial on exam day
master time management strategies during the exam, which are essential for your success in IELTS
use the most recent Cambridge and Oxford material for IELTS preparation for free.

Prepare with a qualified and experienced IELTS Tutor, who has taught IELTS at internationally recognized language schools (IHWO) in Europe and achieved C2 level in IELTS Academic herself.
In Victoria Road's IELTS preparation courses, you will:
Learn, practise, and master the key IELTS strategies for Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading
Understand the structure of the exam and its main challenges
Receive consistent detailed feedback on your progress, which will help you improve consistently and build confidence in your skills
Practice B2/C1 vocabulary and grammar, which essential for IELTS
gain confidence in yourself and your English language skills, which will be crucial on exam day
master time management strategies during the exam, which are essential for your success in IELTS
use the most recent Cambridge and Oxford material for IELTS preparation for free.

How to succeed in IELTS?
IELTS requires thorough preparation. To get the result you want, you need to have a very good understanding of :
the 4 parts of the exam (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking)
key strategies to achieve the desired Band in each part
strong concentration and time management skills during the exam
You should also have :
the level of English corresponding to the score you are aiming for.
sufficient practice before the exam with the Practice Tests: this will have a major impact on your final performance.
a positive frame of mind and real confidence in yourself and your abilities: this will be the key to your success!
IELTS Study Materials
Victoria Road uses leading IELTS materials, which are the quality label for IELTS preparation worldwide. Below are some of the textbooks used in our courses.
For enrolled students, access to all coursebooks is 100% FREE!

Victoria helped me prepare for the IELTS academic test and thanks to her support, I achieved a good result (Band 8.5) after quite a short preparation time. Victoria knows all the ins and outs of the test, she made me familiar with all the task types, drew my attention to important details and always provided substantial feedback as well as information needed for improvement. All this allowed me to be more confident at the test and not to waste valuable time on hesitation. To sum up, I can certainly recommend Victoria as a highly professional English teacher with perfect language skills and great experience in IELTS preparation, who is also able to use individual approach to her students. You will surely enjoy her classes and achieve great progress!
Ekaterina Popova (IELTS Academic student)
IELTS Course Preparation Fees
1-hour class
✔ lesson plans prepared in advance
✔ course material and Practice Tests included
✔ intensive coaching for 4 Test parts
✔ practising and mastering the key IELTS strategies
✔ B2/C1 vocabulary expansion / grammar work (according to personal needs)
✔ detailed feedback on the progress
✔ preparation for the exam day
✔ consistent Practice Tests given as homework
Complete IELTS preparation 20h
490€ (group course)
640€ (private course)
✔ Complete and structured course, covering all aspects of IELTS
✔ lesson plans prepared in advance
✔ course material and Practice Tests included
✔ intensive coaching for 4 Test parts
✔ practising and mastering all the key IELTS strategies
✔ B2/C1 vocabulary expansion / grammar work (according to personal needs)
✔ detailed feedback on the progress
✔ preparation for the exam day
✔ consistent Practice Tests given as homework
I'm interested in your IELTS preparation courses. What should I do first?
Book an appointment for a free 30-min Discovery Call where we'll discuss your IELTS project and do a sample IELTS Speaking Test to assess your level and understand how much time you realistically need to prepare for your required Band.​​​​
Can you tell me more about your IELTS preparation courses?
My courses are designed to introduce you and work on the 4 parts of the exam: Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading. We work very thoroughly on each part of the exam. The aim is to apply key techniques and strategies effectively on exam day!
As you progress through the course, we can adjust the original schedule to work exclusively on the parts that you need the most.
Do online courses take place on Skype / Zoom?
Normally, either on Google Meet, or on Zoom. We work with Google documents that I share with you before the class. In class, we can both see and edit them in real time. You also have access to the Google Drive folder with all the necessary IELTS materials.
Should I buy IELTS preparation material?
No! I'll share with you links to all the course books, including the Student's Book, Workbook, Vocabulary books and Practice Tests. Just print out the pages you need and enjoy free access to a wide range of leading books, which will save you a lot of money!
Is there homework during the course?
Yes, I usually give a lot of homework. It's very important to put into practice what we study in class. You need to practice regularly to gain confidence. For this, make sure you have enough time to work on the test on your own.
I am very busy at work or school, and I don't have much time to prepare on my own. Is it a problem?
Preparing for IELTS requires significant time commitment. It's very important. If you feel that other commitments are holding you back right now, it's best to postpone the exam and preparation until later.
Can I ask for references from your former students?
Yes, absolutely! I've included some of the references on my homepage, but you can request a personal e-mail address or phone number of one of my former students if you'd like more information.
Will I receive feedback on my progress?
Yes, of course! My aim is to give you detailed feedback on your performance in all parts of the test, and in particular, in Speaking and Writing. We'll use the official IELTS Band Descriptors to help you understand your strengths and areas for improvement!
I'm very nervous about the exam day. What if I fail?
I know the feeling. But I've got great news for you! Throughout the course, you'll work on your self-confidence, your skills and IELTS mindset, which will prepare you for exam day. I'll be with you every step of the way, till the very end. You'll be in safe hands!
Where can I take IELTS?
In an official IELTS centre, either IdP, or British Council. If you are based in France, I can give you more specific information about the best centre to take IELTS in Paris.
Which level do I need for IELTS?
Level B1 (Intermediate) is the minimum level required to take the IELTS. In general, a B2 level is recommended in order to pass the exam.
Victoria Road offers intensive general English courses to improve your level of vocabulary and grammar before starting IELTS preparation.
How can I get 7 in IELTS?
Band 7 is the goal of many students, as it is required by the best university courses abroad. To obtain it, you need to have an Advanced level of English (C1) in all skills.
Victoria Road offers intensive general English courses to help you reach C1 level before IELTS preparation.
TOEFL or IELTS: which one to choose?
These are the two internationally recognized English language tests. However, you should know that IELTS opens more doors for you, as it is widely accepted in Europe and in all English-speaking countries - apart from the USA. If you want to study or work in the U.S., TOEFL is the way to go.
Victoria Road prepares you for the IELTS distance learning exam in the most efficient way possible. Find out more about my IELTS courses.
How to prepare for IELTS?
It's essential to choose a qualified and experienced tutor who can prepare you effectively for this test. It's very difficult to prepare for the IELTS on your own, as the exam is very demanding. You need professional guidance for this preparation, at least in the beginning.
Victoria Road offers private online IELTS lessons with an IELTS expert, who has taught IELTS at the International House World Organisation. Victoria is currently offering private online IELTS lessons.
Which pdf book to prepare for IELTS?
There are several internationally recognised IELTS preparation materials. Usually, you need to make a certain investment if you want to prepare for IELTS on your own.
Victoria Road gives you free access to the main IELTS materials from Cambridge and Oxford University Press or Macmillan.
Next steps
IELTS is a demanding test. Nevertheless, with effective IELTS preparation courses, you can achieve the score you're aiming for and reach your academic or career goal!
Consisten professional guidance is crucial to help you succeed in IELTS. Victoria Road offers you real support throughout your preparation, ensuring your success, and guiding you towards your future!
​Do you have more questions about IELTS preparation?