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How to Change Careers: The Ultimate Guide to Your New Career in 2023.

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

Changing career paths can be nerve-racking. Questions are piling up, while friends, colleagues and family do not really know how to give you the best advice. At some point, you may find yourself feeling completely overwhelmed, disoriented, and lost. Don't worry: this detailed guide will give you the best guidance on how to change careers in 2023.

What is the best way to change careers?

The best thing to do before any career switch is make a step-by-step plan. The benefits of having a plan are numerous: it will help you stay focused on what you have to do and prevent any potential frustration.

Here's Victoria Road's step-by-step guide towards your career path. You don't have to follow it exactly - but it will surely give you ideas on how to start. Keep reading!

How do I Find My Next Career?

First of all, know you’re on the right track. The good thing is, you’ve most likely made the right choice. And no, you’re not being unreasonable or over-ambitious. On the contrary, you have the strength and courage to face something that many people fear to do!

You are ready to step out of your comfort zone and do something that would make your life better. Whether it is helping people, fulfilling your creative potential, or preventing burnout, these are all brilliant goals. The battle is worth fighting, and you know it.

Another good thing is that you are not back to square one. You never start from scratch, even if you are an experienced surgeon willing to become an entrepreneur. Your greatest assets are your soft skills, experience, personality, network, and talents.

Yes, you got this right: before you make the leap, the jumping board is already there for you. Now you have to think how to leverage those assets to acquire the brand-new skills!

Remember that there are no right steps, there are only smart steps. If you act smart, you can save time, energy, and effort, prevent burnout and frustration. And what is most important, acting smart may stop you from giving up.

How to Change Careers: Step 1. Do not burn bridges.

You certainly want to say goodbye to your career. You desperately need a change and you don't want to be doing your current job anymore. You are ready to slam the door and venture bravely into your new career without ever looking back.

It’s tempting but think twice. If you cut yourself off from your current job, you may trod into new territory completely unprepared. You may need either a back up plan or an anchor in case things take longer than expected.

Your current job can actually be instrumental in switching careers. It has most probably given you the skills, experience and financial resources that would help you choose a new career path. Think of it as your ally, not your enemy!

You might also want to keep your current job while working on the career transition in your free time. This way, you will be less vulnerable to potential obstacles and be more prepared mentally and financially.

How to Change Careers: Step 2. Adopt a skill-oriented approach.

Many people dream of a certification or diploma from a well-known university. Certainly, a prestigious degree can open career doors and set you up for success for the rest of your life. Doing a university course enhances the credibility of your CV, gives you the relevant academic knowledge and brings a unique sense of achievement.

However, the best university degrees require a considerable time and financial investment. While you may be able to afford a new degree at this point in your professional life, you do not necessarily have the time to do it. Another thing to consider is that a university degree often focuses on academic and theoretical knowledge rather than practical skills.

LinkedIn statistics shows that 79% of companies look for skills while only 21% still look for experience and education. And the best way to acquire those skills is by doing a specialised course or an internship. You can never make a mistake investing in skills. Skills immediately increase your employability, draw attention to your CV and help employers understand what benefits you can bring to them.

How to Change Careers: Step 3. Outline your top priority skills.

You need to be absolutely clear on:

· what skills you need to acquire

· which of them are your top priority

This will help you focus on gaining a limited set of skills without trying to learn too much at the same time. Seeing yourself making progress in one particular field is a great way to boost your confidence in your decision.

Talking to someone experienced in the industry is crucial to help you understand how to set priorities.

How to Change Careers: Step 4. Set a realistic timeframe.

As soon as you have chosen the skills you need to work on, make sure your goal is actually achievable in a relatively short period of time. You do not want to spend years chasing your dream! But your successful career switch will definitely not happen overnight either. You have to be patient and have a rough idea of how long it will take you to:

· acquire new skills

· start earning money in your new job

· gain the confidence you need to pursue your new career.

Be honest and realistic when making assumptions: if the time framework seems to be too long, you may fall into a trap of never accomplishing your dream and will get frustrated with the result.

How to Change Careers: Step 5. Choose the right training.

As soon as you have completed the previous steps, you have to think about the learning options that align with your time frame.

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the variety of courses that you can find on the Internet. However, not all of them will give you exactly what you need. Before investing in any kind of training, it is important to understand which course will give you the most efficient training in the most time-efficient way possible.

Is it a work-study Master’s programme from a renowned Business School? Is it a LinkedIn course than will help you reach an Intermediate level of Excel? Or maybe you need to hire a private tutor who will understand your personal goals and provide tailor-made training for you?

The training will most likely give you a great sense of achievement. The more progress you make, the more confident you will feel about the decision you’ve taken.

Final thoughts

Starting a new career is similar to a take-off. To make it happen, you need a solid understanding of what you have to do. This moment is absolutely crucial for a plane – and for your career transition.

The steps in this guide are by no means the only ones, but they give you an idea of how to change careers in the earliest stage of career transition. This stage may feel daunting but don’t worry about making mistakes. Action always brings more value than thinking about taking action. And the worst mistake you can make is never take any step in the first place.

You are on the right track. Take the leap. It’s time to fight for the career you deserve.

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